Monday, August 31, 2015

Bayeuth Neues Schloss

After the fire of the Old Castle Joseph Saint-Pierre was built from 1753 on behalf of the Margrave Friedrich von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, the new city residence. Great influence on the organization exercised Margravine Wilhelmine who designed, among other things, the Cabinet of Fragmented Mirrors and the Old Music Room with pastel portraits of singers, actors and dancers themselves. Characteristic of the Bayreuth rococo style is the Palm Room with precious walnut paneling.

On the ground floor of the New Palace now houses the museum "The Bayreuth of the Margravine Wilhelmine" and the museum "Bayreuth Faience - Rummel Collection", showing the most spectacular examples of the production of the Bayreuth Manufactory.

In the gallery rooms (Branch of the Bavarian State Painting Collections) are Dutch and German paintings from the 18th century. Century presents.

Since 2013, on the main floor, the permanent exhibition "Galante miniatures - Collection Dr. Löer" to see.

In the impressive premises of the small but remarkable Italian small castle the "Bayreuth rococo" comes with its penchant for floral tendrils, trellis rooms and grottos in his late form into its own.

After the construction of the New Palace of since the end of the 16 was. Century remodeled in margravial owned garden and expanded south of the 1679 planted Mail web-Allee, which was included in the new system, let the Margrave couple Friedrich and Wilhelmine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth avenues, hedge gardens, pergolas and parterres. The central axis formed an inflected at a right angle channel with four islands.

End of the 18th century. Century the courtyard garden at the direction of the Marquis Alexander was converted into a park for "Engelländischer Art" with winding paths and natural stands of trees. Nevertheless, the basic principles of geometric gardens are still in the courtyard to read: The channel and the three main avenues dominate the picture of the garden, the ground floor of the south wing in 1990 reconstructed.

The New Castle Bayreuth was built from 1753 after a fire the previous residence in January 1753 - it is now as Old Castle had largely destroyed - called. 1758 was essentially completed. Bayreuth was in 1604 instead of Kulmbach residence of the principality of Bayreuth become.

Architectural History 
The main building 
Baumeister was the margravial Hofbaumeister Joseph Saint-Pierre, of the Margrave couple Friedrich and Wilhelmine by fire a contract to construct a castle received after the destruction of the old castle, which was to be their demands.

Several existing or under construction buildings were integrated into the fabric of the castle. Thus, the middle section with entrance, staircase and ballroom by rebuilding the structural work of the Reformed Church originated. The resulting interest on the building are primarily at seemingly walled entrances and the roof structure can be seen (only visible from the park).

Wilhelmine participated in the planning of the New Castle very large proportion of what the rain correspondence with her ​​brother Friedrich II. Is shown. However, Friedrich II. Should have had no high opinion of the building. The New Castle is next to the other structures of the Margrave couple an example of so-called Bayreuth Rococo. Although the size and appearance of the New Castle, for example, with the Würzburg Residenz not quite keep up, yet it is one of the main works of German 18th-century architecture.

Highlights are the sumptuous ballroom, the finest gold stucco and sovereign pilaster is equipped and the Palm Room so-called (possibly a meeting room of the Masonic Lodge) in the men's wing of the castle.

The Italian 
It was built after 1759 for the second wife of the Marquis, Sophie Karoline Marie of Braunschweig, as a standalone building south of the castle and structurally connected later by a connecting tract with the New Palace. The architect was Carl von Gontard.

Later inhabitants 
In the northern cross wing of the castle 1799 Heinrich von Gagern born, in 1848 president of the first German National Assembly in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt was. His father was privy councilor at the Prince of Nassau-Weilburg, who lived from 1796 to 1800 at the invitation of the Prussian king and his court in Bayreuth in the asylum.

Even the Bavarian Duke Max IV., Later Max I. Joseph, King of Bavaria, who lived with the consent of the King of Prussia on 11 September 1800 to 12 April 1801 with his family in the right wing of the castle. When the French occupied Munich 1800, the royal family went into exile. She returned only after the Peace of Luneville back and the withdrawal of the French from Bayern Munich.

Collections exhibition in the New Castle 

  • The Margravial Staterooms
  • In three rooms on the ground floor of the south wing - they served in the 18th century as an art gallery - is after extensive renovation since August 2007 a ​​branch gallery of the Bavarian State Painting Collections housed. It contains 80 works of Dutch and German paintings from the late 17th and 18th century. One of the three rooms is the born in Antwerp Munich court painter Peter Jakob Horemans dedicated.
  • The Archaeological Museum of the Historical Society of Upper Franconia in parts of the ground and first floors of the Italian Building
  • Museum "The Bayreuth of Wilhelmine" (free admission)
  • Collection Bayreuth faience (free admission)

The Hofgarten
To the east of New Castle is the courtyard garden. Already in 1580 there was a vegetable garden, which was later converted into a pleasure garden.

1679 the so-called mail web was created, a straight, extending in an east-west direction Eichenallee. They formed the axis of symmetry of the garden and began on the west side with a Prunktor which was however already in 1744 broken for the planned construction of the Reformed Church. Because over the centuries repeatedly land north of this avenue were separated, the mail train is nearly at the northern edge of the park.

After the construction of the New Palace, the park received a trim channel with two small, circular islands as new major axis. It runs from southeast to northwest parallel to the main avenue. In the eastern part of the Hofgarten he has a dead arm in the southwest, which ended hooked up in the 1970s. At his conversion there a third island was created. He received his water from the canal system of the Tappert and is identical after abandonment of the parallel branches with this. The canal is flanked by two narrow avenues. Between the channel and the avenues and in front of the Italian construction there were Bosketten.

Since 1789, the park was transformed into an English garden. The Baroque garden elements that required a particularly complex care have been removed, the paths created tortuous. In 1795, Queen Louise in honor, on the southern edge of the "Sun Temple" a small circular temple, a so-called monopteros built.

The statues in the park originate mainly an unfinished figure group that the triumphal procession of Neptune should represent. They were in 1763 and 1764 by the sculptor Johann David Räntz and Lorenz Wilhelm Räntz created and were after the death in 1763 of Margrave Friedrich stored at the depot of the city long. Other parts of it are in the park of Schloss Fantaisie installed.

At present the park covers about 13 hectares. Part of baroque garden design, especially around the Castle, has been restored.

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