Thursday, November 20, 2014

Museum Der Bayerischen Könige in Schwangau Germany

The Museum of the Bavarian Kings in Hohenschwangau in Füssen offers insights into the history of the royal house of Wittelsbach from its beginnings up to the present.

The museum was established in the fall of 2011 for the 125th anniversary of the death of Ludwig II. opened.
Ludwig II Otto Friedrich Wilhelm von Wittelsbach, King of Bavaria. (* 25 August 1845 at Schloss Nymphenburg , Nymphenburg , today Munich ; † 13 June 1886 in Würmsee (now Lake Starnberg ) at Schlossberg ), out of the house of Wittelsbach coming was dated 10 March 1864 to his death King of Bavaria . After his incapacitation on 10 June 1886 took his uncle Luitpold as Prince Regent government business in the Kingdom of Bavaria, as his younger brother Otto was incapable of governing because of a mental illness.
Kingdom of Bavaria

Ludwig II. Has in the Bavarian history as a passionate castle builder, especially the castles Neuschwanstein , Herrenchiemsee and Linderhof set, a monument, which is why he is popularly referred to as fairy king.

 Origin and childhood

Ludwig II was., The eldest son of the August 25, 1845 at 0.30 clock in Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich Crown Prince Maximilian and Crown Princess Marie born. He was baptized with the name Otto Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, however, call name should be at the insistence of the same grandfather Ludwig, who was also born on 25 August (1786). This did not happen by chance, because August 25 is also the anniversary of the death of St. Louis of France. Godfather was the grandfather Ludwig I, whose godfather again Louis XVI. (Lit. smoke, s.) of France was thus for Ludwig II. a "Taufpatengenealogie" was prepared at the time incomprehensible France Ludwig's admiration, especially in his Herrenchiemsee Palace, then you should play the major role. After birth, the infant of a nurse, an unknown peasant woman from rotten creek was passed. At first, the boy developed excellent. But in the spring of 1846 at the age of about eight months, the nurse died probably in meningitis (meningitis). The boy had to be stopped overnight. He fell into disrepair, had a fever and we already feared his imminent death. But he soon recovered.

 In July 1846 Ludwig was Sibylle Meilhaus passed, which remained his teacher until his 7th birthday. To her, he developed an intimate relationship that held for life, and was continued after her marriage to Baron von Leonrod in correspondence. 1848 Louis brother was Otto born. Her childhood and youth spent the brothers especially on Hohenschwangau Castle , in the vicinity of their Father. In the castle Ludwig came at an early stage with the legendary world of the Middle Ages in touch, there is shown in numerous wall paintings and -behängen.

The relationship with the parents was determined by distance. Father Max was prevented by his government shops and little came with the enthusiastic nature of his son, it showed early on, rightly. The mother did not give him the necessary proximity. From the ceremonial duties of the parents, the princes were kept largely away. They experienced a marked by rigor education, which included punishment and chastisement. Early on, Louis showed love for literature and architecture. He especially enjoyed playing with building blocks and thus built churches, monasteries and the like. His grandfather Ludwig I encouraged him there and gave him a kit 1852 from Munich Victory Gate . As of May 1854, Major General Count Theodor de la Rosee Basselet, Baron Emil von Wulffen and for that later Major Carl Orff as educators were responsible. The Major General also promoted Louis penchant for self-glorification and pride. Were taught the prince as elementary and high school students, but received private lessons.

 Their summer vacation they spent 1853-1863 often in specially built for her father Royal villa in Berchtesgaden . Since the end of the 19th century an incident in the park of the Royal Villa is rumored that Ludwig II. in 1857 a violent aversion to Berchtesgaden and let him take after his father's death (1864) for a long time of subsequent visits to the Villa held.

After his grandfather, King Ludwig I of Bavaria, had abdicated in 1848, his father was Maximilian King and Crown Prince Ludwig. 1861 saw Louis for the first time Richard Wagner's operas Tannhäuser and Lohengrin . At the age of twelve years he particularly liked immersed himself in the prose writings of Richard Wagner. Even with the works of Friedrich Schiller , the Crown Prince identified early.

Ludwig's father, Maximilian (* 1811) died after a short illness on March 10, 1864; Ludwig was on the same day at the age of 18 years as Ludwig II. King of Bavaria proclaimed ("Ludwig, the grace of God King of Bavaria, Count Palatine bey Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, Franconia and in Swabia"). On March 11, at 10 clock he made ​​in the boardroom, the State Rooms his oath to the Bavarian constitution . [3] At the funeral for Maximilian on 14 March we saw the new king for the first time in public. With its 1.93 m Ludwig was, especially for its time, extraordinarily tall.

Promotion of Richard Wagner
From the beginning he was committed to the promotion of culture; in particular, he supported the composer Richard Wagner, whom he first met in person on May 4, 1864. Between 1864 and 1865 he sent to the indebted Wagner 170,000 guilders. He financed so that among other things the music drama Der Ring des Nibelungen . In December 1865, Louis the resistance of the state government, the citizens of Munich and his own family had to II., However, bend and the infamous Wagner urge to leave Bayern. The close friendship between the two was first made, but Louis thought of Wagner's anti-Semitism little and protested against his attempts at persuasion. The Wagner opera Tristan and Isolde (10 June 1865), Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (21 June 1868), Das Rheingold (September 22, 1869) and Die Walküre (26 June 1870) experienced in the National Theatre premiered. Since 1872 he settled demonstrate complete Wagner operas without an audience. He also financed the Bayreuth Festspielhaus and promoted by Marie of Schleinitzstraße launched Bayreuth patronage club .

 War against Prussia

Ludwig II wanted. Where anbahnendem war between Prussia and Austria for the leadership in Germany remain neutral and keep his country out of the direct war. But Austria insisted on compliance with the stipulations of the German Confederation alliance obligations. Bavaria and his king tacked initially neutrality between desire and treaty obligations.  On May 11, 1866 Ludwig signed the order for mobilization , which Bavaria as a member of the German Bundestag on the part of Austria to the German war of 1866 between Austria and Prussia entered. At the same time Austria but the use of the strategically important railway line Regensburg on Prussian pressure - denied Pilsen-Prague. The childhood of little military-minded Ludwig left the war policy of his ministers and went to Switzerland to meet with Richard Wagner. In the peace treaty after the defeat Bayern undertook a war indemnity of 30 million guilders to be paid to Prussia. A comparatively small amount when you consider that about the citizens of the Free City of Frankfurt am Main to apply a similar large sum had as his kingdom, and the territorial losses remained low,  it entered the district office Gersfeld and the District Court Orb from. In Bavaria was made for defeat, especially the ministers and the military leadership responsible, but the Bavarian army was at the outbreak of war in a desolate state. Equipment and organization had been neglected for decades. This was also the political course of his monarch. [4] As part of the offensive and defensive alliance imputed Bavaria, like other southern states, for the alliance case his army to the Prussian command. This limited scope for foreign policy Bavaria painful one.Ludwig took from 10 November to 10 December 1866 in Franconia the only Bereisung his kingdom. The Duchy of Franconia - only recently become a part of Bavaria and just consider a re secession - was outraged that it has the entire burden of fighting in Bavaria on its territory must bear. The visit of the King won the Franks again for Bayern, although Ludwig II. Had suffered because of his indecisive stance on the German-German conflict a loss of prestige. As a result, he devoted himself to his romantic ideas, taking upon himself his locks back; from there he left the affairs of state through Messenger.

 Government policy

Contrary to popular views Ludwig practiced his duties despite frequent absence of Munich until almost the end conscientiously. The Cabinet Secretary to ensure smooth communication between the king and the ministers. The queries and documents were often provided by Ludwig with Signaten (comments and recommendations). He also got involved in appointments or clemency requests. The enforcement of a commercial order on the Prussian model with free right of establishment for most occupations supported Ludwig.

He had remarkable detail knowledge in economic policy and in the ecclesiastical law.

Ludwig II. Continued the personnel policies of his predecessors, whose scope was limited in the constitutional monarchy. It was always a matter of neutralizing the political forces in the country and to keep the influence of the parliament as low as possible. The ministries were generally occupied by the Bavarian kings against the majority in the parliament.

As the absolute majority won in the impact of the War of 1866, the Catholic-conservative, anti-Prussian patriot party in the Chamber of Deputies, called King Ludwig II. National Liberal and pro-Prussian minister. With its ministerial policy he counteracted even their own political stance, which was that of the Bavarian patriots closer. More important than the parliament compliant occupation of government the king was the demonstration of its sovereignty.

When you visit the World Exhibition in Paris in the spring of 1867, Louis met with the French Emperor Napoleon III. , and sought his support.

For political action Ludwig says the historian Bernhard Löffler in July 2010 in an interview with ZDF: "On the one hand there has been a change in the course of the 1870s already indicated, the amounts to the withdrawal of the king. In 1873 he already speaks even of intellectual life out of the unbearable present. Secondly, he has also proved from the outset no particular political assertiveness. That he however had to countersign any law, is simply a manifestation of the Bavarian Constitution and the constitutional system and has nothing to do with their own commitment. But he possessed no frustration tolerance, ... because he lacked any sense of the functioning of the constitutional system. "

 Engagement with Sophie in Bavaria
Ludwig never married, but engaged to a spontaneous decision out on 22 January 1867, with the one year younger Sophie in Bavaria , the younger sister of Empress Elisabeth of Austria , daughter of Duke Max in Bavaria . Sophie's mother Ludovica was a half-sister of his grandfather Ludwig I. The two had known each other since their childhood and youth, and had again seen at a court ball on January 21. The groom said his fiancee always with Elsa. Significantly, he did not feel, however, as a loving Lohengrin, for his letters to the bride Elsa signed with Ludwig Heinrich. A proof that it was a question of love all the way to the king's way, "enthusiastic, world caught without the hated Louis sensuality ".

The wedding preparations were driven at court with great zeal. Pope Pius IX. granted the Heiratsdispens, which was necessary because of the close relationship of marriage candidates. The king's wedding ceremony was presented Already on 14 March 1867. However, Ludwig pushed the wedding date further and further, from 25 August to 12 October, finally on 12 November 1867. The king was always more at a distance, although already circulated images, on which Sophie was dubbed Queen and the millions Gulden expensive wedding carriage was ready. Finally he released on 7 October 1867, the betrothal. About this decision not only the parents of Sophie, but also the relationship and the nobility were dismayed. Elisabeth of Austria wrote to her mother to Possenhofen:

    "As much as I am appalled by the King and the Emperor also, you can imagine. There is no term for such behavior. I just do not understand how he can be seen again in Munich, after everything that's happened. I'm just glad that Sophie takes so happy they would know God as a man can not be. "

 No one suspected that Sophie, three days after her engagement with the king in the merchant Edgar Hanfstaengl had fallen in love and secretly with him in Castle Pahl met.

Because of utterances in letters - about over his aide Paul of Thurn and Taxis - and further CV is to assume that Ludwig's interest in the opposite sex was low. Ludwig's secret diary 1925 by the stepson of the minister Johann von Lutz has been issued, provides evidence for homosexual inclinations of the king. It is also a testimony to his remorse is and for the futile attempts to push back his claim. The Heidelberg psychiatrist and neurologist Heinz Häfner represents in his publication on the fairy king of the view that Ludwig was not only gay, but to act out his inclination even subordinate Trooper allegedly sexually abused. The Austrian writer Leopold von Sacher-Masoch to Ludwig viewed as kindred spirits.

The Emperor letter
1870 Bavaria involved from political constraints out with his army on the German-French war . However, Ludwig II ordered. Just one day after the French declaration of war, the general mobilization in the Bavarian kingdom and allowed out with a surprising foray Bavarian troops from the Palatinate Landau that the war decision after early at Sedan could fall. Ludwig Thus, it was clearly determined than 1866. The result was again loss of prestige among the people, because the result of the war was the loss of his Bavarian sovereignty.

 Ludwig saw it as a personal affront, that he should statements shall, at the instigation of Bismarck out as the highest-ranking German prince Wilhelm I of Prussia, the Imperial crown. The - unrealistic - Proposal Louis to leave the nice crown between Berlin and Munich, from Bismarck refused. hesitantly accepted Ludwig the Kaiser survey of the Prussian King. On November 30, 1870, he signed the by Otto von Bismarck designed the so-called imperial letter , in which he gave the Prussian King Wilhelm I asked her the title of German Emperor to accept. Bismarck secured him money in exchange for secret payments to that from the Guelph Fund were made. From the Reichstag adopted by the national endowment of EUR 4 million thalers him 300,000 dollars were made ​​available for distribution to its own determination. Louis participated in contrast to his uncle Luitpold and his brother Otto not to the imperial proclamation in Versailles on 18 January 1871st

Last year

In the plans for a Chinese and a Byzantine palace he showed openness to the world and a cultural cosmopolitanism, which betrayed a wide horizon, but also a further drift into the world of dreams. This was indicated by his political plans to establish a secret society for the recovery of royalist supporters of a coup and plans for a Kingdom of the Canary Islands, down. However, this thought was the correct assessment to reason that his people had always further away from the monarch - as not only in Bavaria.

 In 1874, he was the last time in the Munich Corpus Christi procession . His trip to the dress rehearsal of the Bayreuth Festival in 1876 was his last public appearance halfway. In April 1881 began his friendship with the young actor Josef Kainz , with whom he dated 27 June to 14 July of the same year, a Switzerland in the footsteps of William Tell undertook. But even this last friendship broke even on the trip.

In the last years of the king drew increasingly from the public. Often the minister had trouble personally visit him for signatures in the solitude of mountain huts. Increasingly he turned night into day, which earned him the titling as Moon King. His debts had increased considerably, in part, the construction work was already set to its castles. Early 1886, the Cabinet refused King Ludwig the guarantee for a loan in the amount of six million dollars, which some biographers see the main reason for the disenfranchisement. It should have been private financial offers of help from bankers, the Ludwig but not reached. Ludwig then turned to Bismarck, who wrote to him on April 14, 1886, he should order his Ministry to request the approval of the sums required from the parliament. In fact, Ludwig demanded that the submission of the concern in Parliament. Instead, the Ministry launched its incapacitation one.


Ludwig II. Was born on June 8, 1886 at the instigation of the government by the doctors Bernhard of Gudden , Friedrich Wilhelm Hagen , Hubert von Grashey "mentally disordered" and Max stroke in a report due to testimonies and without personal examination of the patient for and "incurable" explained.Louis longtime personal physician, Max Joseph Schleiß of Lowenfeld was not heard.

Based on the modification of Ludwig official acts, such as the recent establishment of a new district office in Ludwigshafen (deed dated June 3, 1886, signed by him in Hohenschwangau), but with no clear insanity can be seen.

On June 9, 1886 Ludwig was incapacitated by the government. On the night of 10 June, a commission appeared in Neuschwanstein. Ludwig II. Ordered their arrest and return empty-handed to Munich. Ludwig's uncle Luitpold took over on June 10, as Prince Regent , the government responsibility, later also for Ludwig's brother Otto . . King Ludwig II was still trying to issue a call to the Bavarian people: The Prince Luitpold intends to stand up without my will regent of my country, and my previous ministry has deceived my beloved people through false statements concerning my health and preparing treasonable acts before. [...] I challenge anyone to Bayern faithful to rally around my loyal supporters and helping with the frustration of the planned betrayal of King and Country. (Bamberg newspaper on June 11, just before the confiscation). Bismarck's advice, however, to show up immediately in Munich the people, Ludwig not heeded. He behaved almost completely passive, despite many offers of help.

The Heidelberg psychiatrist Heinz Hafner comes in his study of Ludwig concluded that the diagnosis of 8 June 1886 on the "incurable paranoia is and imbecility, "according to modern clinical methods is untenable. His inner conflicts, as a very early observed at Ludwig social phobia associated with feelings of shame and guilt because of his homosexual inclinations, led, so Häfner, to develop a "non-substance-related addiction "as it exists about even with gamblers. The means of addiction Louis were his construction projects. The ever-growing mountain of debt brought him into additional external difficulties. These, Häfner, impaired his ability to act and government in quite significantly. As z. B. at gambling addicts could be observed at Ludwig is an increasing loss of reality. In contrast, the king was insane, paranoid, or at any time schizophrenic been to modern criteria.

The Munich-based psychiatrist Hans Förstl came after evaluation of documents, including not previously declassified documents of the Secret Wittelsbach house archives to the conclusion that the diagnosis of schizophrenia may, but probably not the one to be maintained schizotypal personality disorder . He expressed the suspicion that Ludwig had also in his last years in Pick's disease suffered; he managed this in part to the autopsy findings of 1886 from which had noted a considerable shrinkage of the frontal lobe with Ludwig.

Death in Lake Starnberg
On June 11, 1886 at midnight, a new Commission came to Neuschwanstein. Professor of Gudden briefed the King on the advice of four doctors and about to take over the regency by Luitpold. King Ludwig was taken into custody in Neuschwanstein and on June 12 at 4 clock in the morning after Schlossberg on the shores of what was then still called Würmsee Lake Starnberg spent.

On June 13, Pentecost Sunday of the year, the king could not for exhibition, but of Gudden took him for a walk in the palace garden on the lake, accompanied by two nurses. Shortly after 18 clock king of Gudden reminded of a planned second walk to the both set off with the release of Gudden, by 20 clock to Souper want to be back. At the direction of Gudden had in contrast to the morning the nurse left behind. When both by 20 clock were not returned, was originally believed that they had somewhere shelter from the rain wanted, who had meanwhile used. It first single gendarmes were sent, eventually all the available men with lamps and torches. To 22 clock found a Hofoffiziant overskirt and tunic of the King in the water, half an hour later they found the king and of Gudden maximum of 25 steps from the shore in shallow water. The later discovered pocket of the King was stopped at 18.54 clock, because water had penetrated the pocket of Gudden from the same cause, however only at 20.10 clock. Found the two had the skipper Lidl, the assistant physician Dr. Müller and the lock manager Huber, from a rowboat investigated.  According to the official account had wanted to stop by Gudden the regent of a suicide attempt and was in the process come himself to death. This version, however, was soon questioned. To the death of Louis II entwine. From the beginning and until today many rumors, among other things, a possible escape attempt and the shooting  draw the king into consideration.

Autopsy and burial
On Whit Monday, June 14, 1886, the body was by 20 clock in Schlossberg given the last . The carriage with the coffin arrived on June 15 by 2 clock early in the Munich Residenz one. When carried out there pathological examination of the dead king on the same day from 8 bis 13 clock clock by 13 doctors was also the personal physician of the King, Dr. Max Josef Schleiß Loewe rock, present, was not convinced of a disease of the king. According to the official announcement, the diagnosis of psychiatrists was confirmed in full measure. The result of the autopsy was only partially visible to the public.

After the section immediately was the embalming performed, which was completed by 20 clock. Then the body was laid three days in the court orchestra. Ludwig was 19th June 1886 after a funeral procession through Munich in the crypt of St. Michael's Church buried in Neuhauser Straße. His heart was buried separately and in the August 16, 1886 at Grace Chapel of Altötting transferred.


The exhibition is located on nearly 1,200 square meters in the former Grand Hotel Alpenrose, which by Staab Architekten was provided, Berlin, with an aisled domed steel construction on the former dining room. The steel dome spans the central exhibition area and two side galleries with large windows with panoramic views of the two royal castles, the Alpseestrasse allow and some mountains in the Alps. Owner and master of the house is the Wittelsbach Compensation Fund in Munich, which manages the possessions of the former royal family. Duke Franz of Bavaria , the current head of the house of Wittelsbach, is the patron of the museum. The Bavarian Association of German Architects drew the building with the BDA Prize 2013 in the category Bayern detail perfection from.


The exhibition stand Ludwig II. And his father Maximilian II. , as well as the history of the Wittelsbach dynasty, one of the major European dynasties. At almost 1200 meters, the museum provides some 160 original exhibits an image of the Bavarian noble family from the Middle Ages to the present. Core of the museum is the Hall of Kings, where the builders of Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein are subject.

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