Parks and Gardens
Due to the favorable climate Bodensee grow on the teardrop-shaped island palm trees and other Mediterranean plants in the park. Because of their extremely rich subtropical, sometimes tropical vegetation Mainau is also known as flower island in Lake Constance. Count Lennart Bernadotte died in 2004, named his island like the flowers ship. He also described the known and accessible to visitors from entrance fees destination with the following words:
"She is a coquettish little lady, this Mainau, the always and constantly calls attention, more love and above all rise and new clothes."
Where he may have meant by the first "new clothes" to again and again by gardeners hand woven flowers union.
The heart of the flower island is adjacent to the historic buildings of the Grand Duke Friedrich I applied in 1856 Arboretum park-like with its 500 different species of some of them rare and very valuable deciduous and coniferous trees. Among them one of the "oldest" is Urweltmammutbäume (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) in Germany. Originally from China tree was in 1952 as a 70-centimeter saplings planted in the riverside garden are enormous worden.Besonders some specimens of the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). The seeds of these trees came from California in 1853, and 1864, Frederick I. numerous plant trees on Mainau. Thus, they are among the oldest of its kind in Europe. In addition to the giant sequoia trees are precious cedar, Metasequoien and tulip trees. The Arboretum extends northwest from the castle on the plateau.
In the spring, late March / early April, the flowers year begins on Mainau in the Palm House with a large orchid show. From late March to mid-May bloom on Mainau tulips, daffodils and hyacinths. To this end, the way thousands of tulips, daffodils and hyacinth bulbs were planted in the eastern part of the island on the so-called Spring avenue parallel. Also in spring thrive on the island of pansies, forget-me-not and primroses.
In the transitional period between May and June, the flowers of rhododendron and azaleas 200 locations show. West of the Comturey cellar one comes to the well by Grand Duke Friedrich I created in the Italian style rose garden. The so-called Italian Rose Garden is a strictly geometric system with pergolas, fountains and sculptures. In the summer beguiles the scent of some 500 varieties of roses, especially Floribunda roses. On the island there are about 30,000 rose bushes of 1200 varieties. A baroque staircase leads up to the promising castle terrace.
The Spring avenue leads to the Mediterranean terraces with their exotic potted plants, where in summer palmaceae spray, agaves, cacti and bougainvillea Mediterranean flair. From here you have a panoramic view of the landscape of Lake Constance and the Alps. In July show up on the Mainau the flowers of angel trumpets and the hibiscus, in August, the passion flowers.
South spreads from the South Garden, where the dahlias fields glow in gorgeous colors in the fall September to October, some 20,000 bushes of 250 varieties of dahlias. In subsequent east riverside garden grow spring and summer flowers, including a collection of different types of fuchsias. A popular photo opportunity is the Bodensee relief on the season, a decorated flower image in the form of Lake Constance.
On the north side of the island is the small harbor with boat dock where to create the excursion boats and there is another entrance.
Open all year Butterfly House on Mainau, with about 1000 square meters, the largest of its kind in Germany, visitors walk at 26 degrees and 80 to 90 percent humidity by a tropical looking setting with cascading waterfalls and exotic plants and flowers. Depending on the season fly 700 to 1000 colorful butterflies up to 80 different butterfly species, especially of South American origin, freely among the visitors through the tropical landscape. Around one third of the butterfly species shown here reproduces the natural way. But it is quite different, as many descendants there. For these reasons, the butterfly house get weekly deliveries of 400 dolls from growers in Costa Rica, England and Holland. About 20,000 Euros is the budget year for new Raupen.Die gardens surrounding the butterfly house was designed as a habitat for native butterflies. Attached is a fragrance garden with more than 150 Duftplanzenarten.
On the Mainau there except the parks and gardens and a peacock enclosure, a petting zoo with goats and ponies, as well as some dining options.
Especially for children there is the 1,100-square-foot Mainau Kinderland "Water World", a playground with a 60 centimeters deep water basin, which is bordered by river stones with a total weight of about 130 tons. In the middle of the lake filled with 170 cubic meters of water, in turn, is an island. On the lake, the kids can drive around with rafts or over with a wooden ferry. All around are wooden houses as climbing frames, which should remind planners, according to the time of the stilt houses. Are connected by walkways and the house of chain stays. There are water channels and extra mud tables. If a child should be dipped too deeply into the underwater world while playing, the two Mainau planner Matthias Wagner and Markus Zeiler also made provisions: At the playground dryer was installed in a kiosk in which the parents dry wet clothes itself können.Die game landscape as removed all other playgrounds by TÜV SÜD and inspected regularly.
The castle was begun on the castle stables of abandoned in the 18th century castle Mainau based on designs by Johann Caspar Bagnato (Giovanni Gaspare Bagnato) and its construction management 1739 and completed after seven years of construction. The three-winged Baroque castle was built around a courtyard and a side terrace garden. At the central projection of the western part is of course the huge coat of arms of the Grand Master Clemens August of Bavaria, the Landkomturs Philip of Froberg and Mainaukomturs Friedrich of Baden. On the east pediment (lake) is the German religious emblem. The castle is today the residence of the Count's family. At the count's banner is hoisted on the castle roof, one can detect whether the count's family is present. The private rooms are located in the north wing, so the courtyard from the left, in the inaccessible part of the castle. The heart is the former audience hall, the decorated in white and gold so-called "White Room", which received its current appearance was not until 1883. He's only public concerts or special events. In the middle section of different exhibitions. In the south wing, a café with terrace is among the tall palms the castle terrace.
The Palm House, an elaborate glass structure, originally had only a building permit for the winter months - since it protects the trees all year round. Here grow more than 20 palm species, including more than 15 meters tall Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), the 1888 planted.
Castle Church
The new building of the castle church of St. Mary from 1732 to 1739, on the southeastern end of the island next to the castle, is considered the first work of Bagnatos numerous churches. In the castle church is a rectangular hall church, 20 meters long and 9.5 meters wide, with semi-circular altar house. Superscript rectangular fields divided the external front, the side walls have arched windows. About the west wall stands a gable and above the tower structure with curved cupola. The interior is divided into a rectangular nave with a semi-circular choir and the side opposite the altar organ loft. It is equipped with altars, pulpit and sculptures by Joseph Anton Feuchtmayer (1696-1770). Franz Joseph Spiegler (1691-1757) added 1737/1738 the high altar paintings and ceiling frescoes added. His works are embedded in the extensive volume stucco work of Francesco Pozzi (1704-1789) .Johann Baptist Babel (1716-1799) was a Black Madonna vital accessories. The two side altars have very moving figures of angels. The left side altar is crowned by the martyr Sebastian, right by St. Nepomuk. The altarpiece of the high altar is Maria with the child, the Holy Family and John the Baptist. The ceiling frescos also deal with the life of Mary. The original was built by Johann Michael Bihler of Constance (1687/88-after 1763) and decorated by Feuchtmayer organ was sold in 1823 and in 1860 there is a new organ in the late classical style ersetzt.In the crypt Bagnatos grave. The Castle Church is the starting point of the Upper Swabian Baroque high and is used as a wedding chapel.
Gardener tower, Comturey-cellar, Goal
West towards the baroque palace and church ensemble is called the gardener tower. The walls, a part of the medieval fortress, standing in a contrast to the festive facade of the castle. In former times a vault for the storage and the winery had been driven deep into the rock.
In 2013/2014 rebuilt and extended restaurant Comturey-cellar you can eat overlooking the lake. A special attraction of the place is the 25,000-liter so-called "tithe barrel". In the barrel multivision to Lake Constance landscape can be seen.
The gatehouse nearby dates from the 18th century, the cultivation is neoclassical.
Pre- and Early History
On the south shore of Mainau 1862 first traces were found early settlement of the shore of Lake Constance and exploited by the domain administrator Walter 1864. Including wedges, potsherds, flint chips, an ax and a Reibstein.Die stilt houses of six houses were was uncovered in the 1930s and the early Stone Age (Neolithic) to 3.000 v. Chr. Dated. Neolithic and Bronze Age lake-dwellings found along the beach north and southwest of the island in the shallow water zone.
Around 400 v. Chr. Mainau was probably of Celtic settlement area. Benefiting from its island location, it offered the settlers, probably from the tribe of the Helvetii, by the waters of Lake Constance natural protection. Settlement evidence is lacking, however.
The Roman general Tiberius brought together with his younger brother Drusus in the years 15-13 v. Chr. Raetia and located in the north Vindelicia under Roman rule. This followed the command of the Roman emperor Augustus, her stepfather, preceded ordered the subjugation of the country inhabited by the Rhaetian around the lake, including the Mainau. According to the ancient Greek historian Strabo to a year 15 v. Chr. Tiberius took advantage of a small Island in Lake Constance as a naval base in the naval battle against the Vindeliker. It has alternately held each of the four former islands (Lindau, Mainau, Reichenau and Wasserburg) for this island. Remain after the safe departure of Lindau and Wasserburg nor the Reichenau and Mainau, however, given the many Roman artefacts [21] is probably the only Mainau in question. This would mean that the Romans the island near the later Constantia (Konstanz) for a short time for a fort, a shipyard and a smaller naval station of the Roman Bodensee fleet of Tiberius, which had its headquarters in Brigantium (Bregenz), nutzten.Siedlungsbelege but missing.
Medieval and Early Modern Times
After the Alemanni, the Romans had detached from the 4th century on Lake Constance, they probably settled on Mainau. Settlement evidence is lacking to the Middle Ages. In the 5th and 6th centuries, the strategically valuable Mainau alamannisches dukedom and later became part of the Frankish managed by Bodman of royal property was. The Mainau was knight's seat.
Monastery of Reichenau
In the year 724 the island was, among other strip of land of Bodanrück as a gift to the powerful monastery of Reichenau, where the written sources are given no details of construction. The Mainau was the Lords of Maienowe (Berthold of Maienowe mentioned in 1242 and 1257) and later applied to the Noble Long Stone fief.
German Medal
It was then in 1271 was further away from the resident on the island of Reichenau Ministerial Arnold Lange stone with his four sons Hugo, Berthold, Arnold and Hugh the younger arbitrarily to the Teutonic Order. Then two of his sons were included in the German Order. 1272 here a Scheduled been established. The monastery also had to come to terms with this alienation, but did not reach an agreement requiring that lock Sandegg (Thurgau / Switzerland) and other goods have been returned. Originally based in Sandegg German religious house was transferred to the Mainau, the castle was expanded. In the beginning was the convention of members of ministerial families of the monastery of Reichenau and from foreign nobles, clergy and from which, however, did not have to be of noble birth.
The Mainau belonged to the bailiwick of Alsace and Burgundy. The Landkomtur, who was the direct supervisor of the Commendatore, sat in Altshausen. Thanks to an advanced civil service and with increasing power of the commanders, the influence of the Order took a total of what was true of Mainau Commanders. The Mainau had developed thanks to a steady acquisition policy wealthiest Coming of the Bailiwick. It consisted of the island of Mainau, the rule of Mainau, who held the high and low justice, the rule Blumenfeld and the Office of Konstanz.
The "Landscape Mainau" belonged from 1272 Allmannsdorf, Litzelstetten, Dingelsdorf and from 1367 Dettingen and Wallenhausen. The German Order was consistently enforce only the low jurisdiction over the landscape Mainau.
In the 16th century it was occupied by Austrian troops of Mainau after opening right during the Smalcald War (1546-1547). In the same century a tower was built on the island. The so-called Sweden tower is dated to 1588.
During the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), Swedish troops landed on 11 February 1647 the command of Carl Gustav Wrangel with 13 boats on the shore of Mainau, which was protected by double walls. The island was so poorly defended that Wrangel they got by passing the Commander-Colonel Johann Werner Humpis of Waltram already on the fourth day in his hand. After the Peace of Westphalia Sweden devastated the island in 1649 and moved with booty worth 4.5 million guilders (see naval warfare on Lake Constance 1632-1648).
With the occupation by the Swedes combines the legend of the so-called "Schwedenkreuz". It is an executed in bronze casting Crucifixion Christ on the cross with the two thieves, life-size, very naturalistic held on a late Renaissance stand at the entrance of the island. It is considered an expressive testimony of the still dominated by the Gothic Mannerism on Lake Constance. The Crucifixion group to have originally stood at the Castle Church and have been thrown by the Swedes in the lake. You will be missed by the removal of the occupiers in a carriage with two horses biased by the fact that the crucifix on the mountain Litzelstetten suddenly became so difficult that not even twelve horses could it move more. It also states that farmers then brought it back to its present location. On the Origin of the Cross Sweden there are two theories: the first is that it is the "German-Order Komthurs Schenk von Stauffenberg - reg. 1569-1577 - as a monument to the praise and glory of our Savior and Redeemer has erected ", according to oral tradition for a happy accomplished seafaring. The second states that the Commandery in memory and thanks for the re-possession of a gun metal from the remains of the guns ready and set up next to the jetty in lake ließ.Es became a major pilgrimage destination.
18th and 19th century
After slow recovery from the war events of the famous architect of the Teutonic Knights, Johann Caspar Bagnato began under the Commander Reinhard Ignaz Franz Freiherr von Schönau (1731-1736) in 1732 with the construction of the Baroque church of St. Mary. The church was consecrated in 1739. Bagnato was commissioned in 1739 to build a new castle. For the construction of the church and the castle walled castle was canceled. She was apparently well preserved, was located on the steep bank to the east of the island and was characterized by a high pedestal abgestützt.Nach seven years of construction, the German Order Castle was completed in 1746. The architect died in 1757 of Mainau and is buried in the crypt of the church.
Grand Duchy of Baden
Due to the secularization 1806 Napoleon Bonaparte the German Order also lost the Mainau. The German Order Coming was dissolved and fell with all possessions to the newly founded Grand Duchy of Baden. In the conversion of "Landscape Mainau" by the Teutonic Knights changed after a takeover record the four municipalities Allmannsdorf, Dingelsdorf, Dettingen and Litzelstetten at the state of Baden. The island of Mainau was until 1827 the seat of a domain Badische Office.
After the secularization of the construction works were demolition of outbuildings integrated (at the back of the main courtyard and south-east of the church) into a new landscape garden under different owners from various Austrian, Swedish and English royal and ducal houses.
1827 bought the Hungarian Prince Nikolaus II. Esterházy de Galantha Mainau for 65,000 florins of Grand Duke Ludwig I of Baden. He started at great cost to the reduction of the isle, the planting of valuable trees and establishment of numerous rare plants. But he could not keep it long island, leaving in 1830 his illegitimate son, Baron of Mainau. From this came the Mainau was sold to the heiress of the Grand Duke Ludwig of Baden, who raised this lady and her two children in the earldom and equipping them with the possession and name of the extinct family of nobles of Long stone. Under this owner was begun, the island next to the jetty by a stone causeway to the mainland to verbinden.Von her daughter Louise, who had married the Swedish Count Douglas, acquired in 1853, the Grand Duke Friedrich I of Baden, Mainau as a summer residence.
The old bridge in 1853 replaced by a trestle bridge and 1977 by a second bridge.
Friedrich taught on the island of the Grand Duchy of Baden, a Hofgartnerei and left the island and the Castle Park by his gardener Chr. Mediators and especially by its successor, Louis Eberling, who for 42 years was in 1856 in the service of the Grand Duke, redesign. Thus, Mediterranean and exotic plants were procured created avenues, gardens, an arboretum (tree collection) and a new way system. Frederick visions and ideas as well as the fate of his court gardener The island owes its present appearance. Dama Lige focused Arboretum, Italian rose garden and greenhouse. Also at that time visitors came to the Mainau. They had to report, then asked the Grand Duke humbly to permit the court gardener.
1856 married the Grand Duke, the Princess Louise of Prussia, daughter of the late Emperor Wilhelm I .. They were the great-grandparents of Count Lennart Bernadotte. They spent their honeymoon on the summer residence of Mainau. The Grand Duke did spend his summer residence in his reign some lintels from the Karlsruhe Palace. [39] 1862 planted the Grand Duke of joy at the birth of his daughter a "Victoria Linde".
Eberling Ludwig died in 1898 in gardener tower of Mainau. Victor Nohl became his successor as court gardener.
20th century
1907 Frederick I died 81-year on Mainau. The island fell in the same year to his son, Grand Duke Friedrich II. Of Baden. Even when she was first again to decay, so the foundation for the much-vaunted island of flowers had been placed but during the reign of his father. Even beyond the end of the monarchy of the Baden Princely House in 1918, the island was owned by the family; they decided that the Mainau political community Litzelstetten should include, instead of the current to the community Allmannsdorf (which was annexed to Constance on 1 January 1915). By 1923, the Mainau was a widow seat of the Grand Duchess Louise of Baden.
Swedish Royal House
On August 9, 1928 Frederick II died. Of Baden. Since he had no children, he bequeathed the island Victoria of Baden, his sister. This was in 1881 the Crown Prince Gustav of Sweden and Norway, since 1907 Gustav V King of Sweden married; so got this legacy 1928 in the possession of the Swedish royal family. The Mainau fell in 1930 after the death of Victoria's intended purpose of her younger son, Prince William of Sweden. However, this had no use for them. The castle was moldy at this time and full of bugs, savaging the park and a jungle likeness.
Tulips bloom in the spring of 2010
1932 was Prince William of Sweden, the administration of Mainau to his 23-year-old son Prince Lennart Bernadotte, who had spent his youth in many weeks in the summer on the island. Lennart took up the challenge and took pleasure in the Mainau extend back to a paradise of flowers.
Time of Bernadotte
When he resigned in 1932 after his discharge from the Swedish royal house because of his marriage to the civil Karin Nissvandt to all title and a possible succession to the throne, he retired to the Mainau and made it his new home. He made the island accessible for visitors who had to pay an entrance fee. In the era of National Socialism, she experienced a tourist boom that was favored by recreational organizations such as "Strength through Joy" (KdF). 1935 50,000 people visited the island.
During the Second World War leased Bernadotte - he was staying at that time in its neutral home - Mainau in the summer of 1943 to the Organization Todt (OT), the civil engineering organization Ministry of Armaments of Albert Speer, the a rest home for senior officers and industrialists in Southern Germany the defense wanted to set up. They renovated castle and furnishings and furniture procured from France. For the staff three wooden barracks were erected at the Schwedenschenke. In fact, the island of the OT was never used in the planned senses, the rest home was never realized due to the advancing Allied troops. In the fall of 1944, the barracks French collaborators were assigned to Jacques Doriot. By war's end whose leadership group tried with 100 to 200 people, starting from the Mainau, to organize resistance against the "Communist-Gaullist" rule in France: he should submit to all French groups on German soil, after a reconquest of France, he served as head of government provided. A broadcast station was made available to him in constancy, he published the newspaper Le Petit Parisien, he was already planning acts of sabotage in France. He proclaimed on Mainau early 1945, a French Committee of National Liberation, to liberate France from the domination of the Gaullists and Communists.
After the war, Lennart Bernadotte was Mainau for the book. Chronicle of a paradise of 1977 an explanation for this lease from: The contract is concluded as a result of coercion, we wanted to dispossess him to make the island the armaments minister Albert Speer after the final victory to the present. But the trade with the Nazis is different: The offer came Bernadotte not inconvenient, since after the war broke out in 1939, tourism has been restricted. He could reap substantial lease despite times of war, and for the maintenance of the site was also provided. Of coercion knew neither the manager nor the defense minister of Mainau report.
After the war, the Mainau served several months as a sanatorium and quarantine the sick with typhoid and dysentery around 8,000 former French inmates of Dachau concentration camp. For this, the French General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny was mid May 1945 vacate the island of Reichenau and Mainau of the German population and cover with sick prisoners. 4,000 French prisoners came to Lake Constance, the majority of the Reichenau. The palace complex of Mainau was mainly reserved for the seriously ill. 33 of them died and were buried on the island. On 15 September 1945, the hospital was closed.
At the urging of Count Bernadotte, the idyllic island of flowers should be no traces of their dark chapter preserve: So he left in 1946, when the French were deducted, the exhumed 33 bodies, buried again on a French military department of the Constance cemetery and eventually lead to France. In March 1946, Count Bernadotte taught in the former barracks, a camp of the Christian Association Young Men (YMCA). 1951, the barracks were demolished, only the foundations are still visible.
Bernadotte wanted compensation, claiming that the Dachau concentration camp inmates had stolen some silverware and various art paintings and antiques from his apartment. The French allies, who feared diplomatic complications, the event took very seriously. However, it was mainly German, the distress had taken advantage of to make inventory disappear. The concentration camp inmates are still waiting in vain for an apology from the Graf house.
Only after the war bought Lennart Bernadotte 1951, the island of his father Wilhelm.Fortan he devoted herself fully to redesign the Mainau, the park design changed sustainably. In the postwar years, Count Bernadotte was forced to make the island open to the public, so as to ensure the preservation of the large estate. He worked consistently to make the island for garden lovers and tourists even more attractive, by and by, the infrastructure has been improved. The farm building was soon Sweden tavern and castle, church and other buildings shone in new splendor. Additional emerged gardens, including the "Italian water staircase", the "garden for all" and a nature trail.
In 1955, the island of Mainau was the scene of so-called Mainau Declaration, in which Otto Hahn and Lennart Bernadotte the German and English text of a statement against the use of nuclear weapons read aloud.
On April 20, 1961, the so-called Green Charter was adopted by the Mainau Mainau in the already well-known to an environmental work.
Lennart Bernadotte Foundation
To avoid inheritance disputes with the children of Count Lennart's first marriage and to secure his work "Mainau" for all time, brought Count Lennart Bernadotte and Countess Sonja Mainau and all their property on 13 December 1974 in the eponymous Lennart- a Bernadotte Foundation. Previously, the Lennart Bernadotte Foundation gained located in Constance on June 26 in 1974, legal capacity and was placed under the motto "Gardening by the people and for nature's sake". The Lennart Bernadotte Foundation, which owns 99 percent of the operating endowment of Mainau GmbH located, is a private foundation with its own legal personality, which pursues exclusively charitable goals. These include the promotion of science, the land conservation, environmental and conservation as well as home care. Their activities financed from the Foundation of the distributions GmbH. The Foundation has assets totaling in today's value to around 2 million euros in the form of a corporate involvement in the island of Mainau GmbH.
Although the island was in 1974 out of the reach from the outside as a foundation, but the operating company underwent several rounds of austerity with social plans and layoffs.
In 1981 Countess Sonja Bernadotte was the co-director of the Mainau administration Count Lennart Bernadotte GmbH. From 1987 until the end of 2001, she was assisted in this task by Volkmar Th. Leutenegger, second directors of the company. The company was renamed flower island of Mainau GmbH 1991 and 1998 changed its name to Mainau GmbH.
Since 1986, the Lennart Bernadotte Foundation organizes the International Youth Games Mainauer year. It will meet every spring 400 fourth-graders from Lake Constance riparian states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Initiator of the event was known as the "Father of the Forest Youth Games" Forstmann Hans-Heinrich Vangerow. He also the Dr. Vangerow Prize is awarded in honor since 1997 at the International Mainauer Youth Games.
In the early 1990s had the Mainau two million visitors annually since decreased numbers. In 2006, we talk about a halving of the number of visitors.
The Mainau won the 1998 successfully completed the first organic certification under EU law - with a trick: The island got the seal (the first botanical garden in Europe) only because it was regarded as an agricultural operation because of their distillery. Certificates for tourism companies at the time were not provided. So she underwent voluntarily after successfully passed an examination, the environmental guidelines of the EC Regulation no. 1836/93.
With regard to the international Lake Constance region was established in September of the same year the club European Culture Forum Mainau with the aim of bringing together using new activities impulse and people on a cultural level. This applies to initiatives in the fields of music, film, performing and visual arts, in close cooperation with the European regions of the same rank.
1999 was a year of Mainau for disasters and high damage. The 1999 Pentecost flood caused flooding in the lower parts of the island and on 26 December ravaged by hurricane Lothar and uprooted numerous trees on the island. [55] The Mainau GmbH recorded 1999, a decrease of 511,291 euros.
To provide year-round attractions and to increase the profitability of the island continued, was inaugurated in the Butterfly House in early 2000. Also in 2000 2.3 million marks were invested in the construction of an energy information pavilion, in infrastructure and in the Castle Café Finance Director Manfred Haunz.
From 2001 to 2006 Countess Sonja Bernadotte was sole director of Mainau GmbH. At that time the consolidation phase was ushered on Mainau, from the turn of the year 2001/2002 there was a new business structure. 2002 her eldest daughter, Countess Bettina Bernadotte was her personal assistant. The island had 2005 cut jobs in five years because of the persistent decline in visitor numbers and corresponding losses for the second time. End of 1999, the island of Mainau counted 340 year-round employees from 2000 to 2004 or 295, [60] the mountain of debt had risen end of 2004 to 20.1 million euros. Bettina Bernadotte was in 2005 and 2006 as an authorized representative responsible for the rehabilitation program "Fit 2006" with job cuts and savings.
Since 2001 there is the "Sonja Bernadotte price for ways to nature education" and "Sonja Bernadotte Medal for garden culture", both supported by the Lennart Bernadotte Foundation since 2004.
In September 2004, Count Lennart Bernadotte made by the Stuttgart-based auction house nail around 250 possessions from the "Counts Bernadotte'schen collections Mainau Island Lake Constance" auction. The turnover amounted to almost one million euros. Industry usual flows roughly half of them into the treasury of the consignor, in this case, the Bernadotte family. The value was appraised in advance for 200,000 to 300,000 euros and should serve to maintain the castle. The reasons for the auction Mainau had made different statements, including fire safety reasons on the storage and insurance reasons. The auction, entitled "Hidden Treasures from Castle Mainau" included paintings of ancient and modern masters, including Pietro Navarra (around 1700), Johann Wilhelm Schirmer (1807-1863), Josef Moosbrugger (1810-1869) and Isaac Grünewald (1889-1946 ) [65], where works by the German School of the 18th century are a focus. The majority of Mainau pieces of furniture were [66], including cabinets, chests and chairs from the 17th to the 19th century, as well as lamps, picture frames and mirrors. Some of the items were originally in Karlsruhe Palace and were moved by Grand Duke Friedrich I of Mainau, or owned by Queen Victoria of Sweden and other persons to whom were family relations. According to the Regional Council of Freiburg were among the auction mass around 20 pieces that were registered since 2003 "in consultation and agreement" with the owners in the memorial book list stored in the inventory. At that time, the regional council had declared the core and the castle, about a quarter of the island as a cultural monument of particular importance. Thus, it was said, learn the life's work of Count pair "special recognition and appreciation" .Geschützt thus also items that are inseparable from the castle, about furniture made specifically for rooms. Therefore, the removal of inventory of the city of Constance would have to be approved in its capacity as a memorial authority before being transported in three trucks. The application for approval but was missed by the count's family in advance. By linking adverse circumstances, the auction house went out during the making of the auction catalog with over 300 items on false premises. The auction house had said two days earlier, they had kept to a question referred by Countess Bettina Bernadotte list of protected inventory and consciously beyond left in the castle, which has to do with its history as seat of the German Teutonic Knights. The majority of the 20 controversial pieces could not be auctioned, and returned to their place on the island of flowers. Some auction items were allowed but also be auctioned and were replaced by others.
On 21 December 2004, died Count Lennart Bernadotte at the age of 95 years at the Castle on the island. It followed the motto of the founder of "Gardening for the sake of man," renounced the system of rides like a theme park and left the island in their tourism form.
As a result of the cancer of Countess Sonja Bernadotte, who died in 2008, took over on 1 January 2007 Countess Bettina Bernadotte the management of Mainau GmbH, which operates the commercial tourist industry on the island. Her brother Count Björn Bernadotte was actually intended, but refrained. Also on 1 January 2007 was the management of the Lennart Bernadotte Foundation of Volkmar Theo Leutenegger - since 1979. Chairman and CEO of Lennart Bernadotte Foundation - to Björn Bernadotte.
In addition to the umbrella brand "Mainau" can be found at the Foundation level two brands: Firstly, founded in 2006, "Mainau Academy". The registered association sits as a center of excellence Mainauer nature education in Lauenburg house on the island. On the other hand "Mainau-active", an entity created by Count Björn together with the Radolfzeller physiotherapists Edwin Arnold 2007 company, the natural and health seminars for managers and employees from the business offers. Focus is on communication and team building. Also under the umbrella of the Lennart Bernadotte Foundation, the association "Gardening for All" is organized. Manager of the association is Sandra Angerer, wife of Björn Bernadotte. The spectrum ranges from telephone service for garden lovers to a support course for young people with learning difficulties. The "Green School" this is one of the most popular offerings.
The island of Mainau is managed commercially from the island of Mainau GmbH, a limited liability company, whose registered capital of 99% held by the Foundation and 1% owned by the family Bernadotte, in the form of Countess Sonja Bernadotte GmbH, is. The island of Mainau GmbH is a private company that operates without state support and after-market economic point all year around 150 and in the flower season from March to October 300 employees catered. Fixed assets are, together with island and buildings, 420 hectares of forest on the mainland. The island has eight dining options. The main source of income are entrance fees derived from tourism. The island is a major attraction at Lake Constance: In 2007, more than 1.2 million visitors, before that it was sometimes more than 2 million visitors annually. For sales count next to the entrance fees and revenue from restaurants and souvenir sales. Thus, the yield of the GmbH in fiscal year 2006 revenues of 18.27 million euros 3.5 million euros. It remains unclear whether and how much profit does the Mainau, because it gives their income only as a value before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization an.So has Mainau, through the action of Countess Bernadotte to a synthesis of botanical gardens, historic castle and park place international match developed.
2006 was the flower island of the EMAS Award, the highest European award for environmental protection, the EU Commission for an application developed with partners communication campaign. Part of the winning concept are six towers of living willow on Mainau. At the installation is explained playful, like the Mainau management makes environmental protection at an economical profit factor.
Financially, 2007 was studied Tourism Business Administration of the University of Cooperative Education Ravensburg as ambitious goal for the next seven years, the increase in equity ratio to 20 percent. After the Mainau in previous years had reduced costs, should now increase revenue. For this reason that Bettina Bernadotte's strategy to reduce the dependence on weather and expand the business with banquets, meetings and corporate events, to get to 1.2 to 1.4 million visitors a year. Until ten years she also wants the "Park Development Plan 2017" that large areas of Mainau open up that are currently inaccessible to visitors. Young families they want to entice with lowered prices. But she wants more flexible offer from the hotels of the region. Today's travelers seeking short term bookable packages for getaways. The first step was abolished in the evening with the season opener 2007, the possibility of free island visit. Instead, since the so-called "sunset ticket" is offered, which is counted as a food voucher through the island gastronomy. Also in 2007, opened as a "contribution to nature experience for the whole family," the so-called "water world". It replaces a 24-year-old and 130-square-meter playground, which was donated to Uzbekistan and was built there.
In February 2008, the island of Mainau GmbH received permission to leave the Palm House are all year next to the castle by the municipal council. Originally, the Palm House was in 1993 approved only if it were dismantled during the spring and summer months. Due to the high cost of setting up and dismantling Constance council allowed limited time and again to leave the building during the summer months. Since the weather protection for exotic plants is also an economic factor for the island of Mainau, requested the Mainau GmbH to leave the Palm House until 2028. Finally, it was agreed by concerns on the part of the monument and nature conservation at a time until the end of the 2016th
In the "Glass Flower Arranging" visitors can watch the gardeners and florists over his shoulder.
The 2009 season was titled 100 years Lennart Bernadotte. At the opening on 20 March 2009, the Mainau started with half a million spring flowers and traditional orchid show in the Palm House at which more than 2,500 tropical specimens were presented. The focus, however, was the creator of the Flower Island, Count Lennart Bernadotte, who would have celebrated his 100th birthday on 8 May 2009.
The motto of 2011 is on grandfather's garden bench - immerse yourself in another time, the Mainau look back and revives tried and tested again. , 2011, to two anniversaries: The "Green Charter," which was signed on 20 April 1961 celebrated its 50th anniversary and the "Mainauer Youth Games" was the 25th time aligned. Of the 2010 scale perennial garden was all year to see in 2011. 2013 opened the "Lennart Bernadotte Foundation" on the mainland Litzelstetten belonging to the "adventure forest Mainau". In addition to a 1.6-hectare climbing forest, this also includes the former Convent of St. Catherine with a beer garden in the old cloister.
Arts and Culture
On the island of concerts and exhibitions are held regularly.
For the 2007 season, the artist Stefan Szczesny transformed as part of an art project called A dream of an earthly paradise, the island of Mainau for a year in a work of art. [88] The Szczesny action financed Audi as main sponsor. Szczesny designed the blossoming hillsides through sculptures, paintings, ceramics and mosaics. These included, designed by Szczesny flower pictures, such as, for example, the largest crocus image that ever bloomed on Mainau, consisting of 70,000 crocus bulbs on the castle meadow. In addition, 53 so-called "shadow sculptures", oversized silhouettes made of black steel plates as moving female characters. Also flat and actually depend on the material brittle ago were the glass steles Szczesny had lined up a "Magic Forest" along the bamboo grove at the gardener tower. They showed, according to the artist in etched glass immortalized Eve, the real woman. As a highlight of the Zeppelin NT presented from April to mid-August 2007 during his flights around the lake with two female nudes, artistic designs, a mermaid and the island of Mainau. The airship was pasted this on both sides with a special foil. The largest five meters high ceramic vase in the world could not be implemented for cost reasons.
Mainau is a popular wedding island every year around 100 couples get married here. Not only the baroque castle church of St. Mary on the island is a place for church weddings, the municipal registry office also holds regular outdoor events for civil ceremonies.
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